Posted on May 8, 2018 by Dennis Snow
This photo of Walt Disney at Disneyland (probably in the late 1950s) is my all-time favorite Disney photo. The message it communicates is timeless – effective leaders walk-the-talk.
I like to imagine a new Disneyland cast member in training at that time, hearing his trainer explain the importance of keeping the park clean. Glancing up, the new cast member sees Walt Disney himself picking up trash. Training doesn’t get any better than that.
The concept of leaders needing to “walk-the-talk” has been around forever, and can seem over-used. But I don’t think the phrase can ever be over-used. The fact is that many leaders fail to put the concept of walking-the-talk into practice.
I was recently conducting a customer experience workshop for a small group of leaders. While we covered a lot of customer service and leadership topics, I saved the walk-the-talk topic for last because this is where things become personal. I asked the group to brainstorm this question: What observable behaviors will demonstrate to my team that I am totally committed to delivering outstanding customer experiences?
Plenty of responses came out of the discussion, but I want to highlight a few that I think capture the essence of what it means for a leader to walk-the-talk of service excellence.
Certainly there are many other walk-the-talk leadership behaviors that could be listed here, and the workshop participants doing the brainstorming came up with quite a list. But the four leadership behaviors noted here seemed to most resonate with the group, and me as well. I encourage you, however, to add your own items to the list.
One of my favorite leadership quotes comes from business author Tom Peters:
“The problem isn’t that your people don’t know what you’re doing.
The problem is that they DO know what you’re doing.”
It really is a problem when a leader’s actions aren’t aligned with his or her words. Trust is eroded, and the most he or she can hope for is employee compliance. Employee commitment is out of the question when leaders fail to walk-the-talk of service excellence.
Here’s something to think about: What observable behaviors will demonstrate to your team that you are totally committed to delivering outstanding customer experiences?