How To Have Fun At Work: Practical Tips for a Happier Workplace

A common objection we hear in our customer service training programs is that it’s unfair to compare my background working at Disney to whatever industry they happen to work in.

They say things like, “Of course it’s easy to be happy and have fun when you work at Disney World, try making my job fun."

And from an outsider’s perspective, that argument makes a lot of sense. It sure seems like working at Disney would be a lot of fun especially compared to many other industries that are out there. After all, it is the “Happiest Place on Earth.”

The Truth About Working at Disney

The truth is, working at Disney can be just as miserable as many other jobs if you want it to be. For starters, working there in the summertime can be unbearable. I spent a summer working on Big Thunder Mountain back in 2004 and to this day I still believe the hottest place on earth is the “merge point” where the guests with fast passes (it was a physical ticket at that time) and the regular line met up before moving down the final walkway to the ride.

One of the 45-minute rotations we went through at that attraction was standing there to collect the fast passes before they could go on the ride. Because of the heat, it was by far the worst assignment you could have on a given day.

This part still bugs me to this day; I visited the ride about a month after I stopped working there to find that they installed a fan in that location (thanks Disney).

On top of the heat, many cast members are dissatisfied with their pay, they work long hours, they have problems with their co-workers, they work with demanding clientele day after day, and a million other problems. Just like in other companies.

When you think about it like that, it doesn’t sound like too much fun, does it?

However, the workplace culture at Disney taught me that a job can be as miserable or as fun as you make it.

Finding Joy in the Job

Despite those challenges, my time at Disney was one of the most enjoyable working experiences of my life.

Every day, I enjoyed spending time with my fellow cast members—some of whom are still friends of mine today—and interacting with guests as they moved through the line. I understood that my role there was to help create happiness and a positive work environment for both guests and my fellow co-workers. That’s something I believe most cast members understand and work to achieve on a daily basis.

It was during my time working at Disney that I realized the secret to job satisfaction lies in how you approach your work. Fun at work isn’t about where you work; it’s about how you choose to engage with your job and those around you.

This mindset shift is crucial for employee engagement and creating a positive work environment.

Real-Life Inspiration

I had an experience recently at a gas station that got me thinking about how to make any job fun, no matter the industry.

After leaving a conference, I stopped at a gas station to buy a Red Bull and some lottery tickets (healthy lifestyle, I know).

The clerk behind the counter said with a big smile, “Red Bulls are two for $6.” I didn’t want two, so I politely declined and then he tried another upsell by asking if I wanted multiple lotto tickets from different games.

Again, I declined (though I’m sure those would have been the winning Powerball tickets), but he had such a likable way about him and his approach that I commented how I bet he is pretty successful at upselling to many of his customers.

Continuing to smile, he replied, “Absolutely. I’ve already had 15 of them today, and yesterday was my record at 29.”

This was at 10:30am, so I believe he had a good shot at beating his record. I felt bad that I didn’t help him get closer to his goal, but his motivation and the fun he seemed to have in his job inspired me to want to write this post.

4 Simple Ways to Make Work Fun

Every job can feel like a drag if you let it. And while work can’t be (and shouldn’t be) all fun all the time, there are plenty of ways to have a good time while you’re at work. Use these to boost employee satisfaction and create a more positive workplace culture.

  1. Make a game out of it:

Think about my gas station attendant. This can be something you do by yourself or with co-workers. Turning routine tasks into friendly competition helps to keep you engaged and makes the day go by a little faster.

  1. Celebrate small wins:

Take a moment to recognize achievements with your team. Whether it’s closing a sale, meeting a deadline, or just making it through a tough day.

  1. Inject humor into daily tasks:

There’s nothing wrong with joking around with your co-workers or customers as long as it’s appropriate. Humor is a great way to lighten the mood and it can even improve customer experience.

  1. Incorporate your interests into your work:

I love sports and find a way to inject that into conversations whenever possible. Whether it’s sports, TV shows, or hobbies, connecting with those around you over shared interests will help make your day more enjoyable.

The Power of Choice in Your Work Experience

Ultimately, the key to having fun at work lies in your mindset and willingness to find joy in even the smallest moments. Whether it’s creating friendly competitions, celebrating small wins, injecting humor into your day, or incorporating your personal interests into your work, there are countless ways to make your job (and your life) more enjoyable.

Remember, a job is as miserable or as fun as you make it. The choice is yours. So why not choose fun? After all, a little fun can go a long way in making your workday brighter, your team more connected, and your customers happier.

Danny Snow is a customer experience expert as well as a keynote speaker. You can connect with Danny on LinkedIn or email him at You can also find additional articles from Danny at